not return to the shelter animals, please. If you already find some kind of animal try to find him a house, find him a temporary place to stay. Just do not shelter. Already explain why:
animal, which goes to the hostel may be sick or aggressive. But there is no space to isolate them at the beginning and watch. It is immediately connected with the other what might end badly
There is a sufficient amount of isolation, or in general they do not. Thus, animals that become sick are crowded one upon another, or staying on with the healthy controls.
There is no clock veterinary care. In case of emergency, the animal is not can count on any medical assistance.
in a small area is accumulated too many animals. And this without any idea. Big with young, aggressive with non-aggressive. All this leads often to the tragic events leading to death of an animal.
restricted or even no contact with humans, which leads to the savagery of these animals.
There is no "house cat." Cats So, wander around the hostel as well as outside it.
Now please answer yourself if you would like to an animal was kept in such conditions?. I know that sometimes there is no other choice. But before we decide that we give a pet to the shelter try to find another solution (see the "You can help).
For people who want their old pet returned to the hostel, only because that is showing its age I ask only one thing - before they will release the death sentence in the form of shelter for an old pet, who until now was a household member, do everything to find him another loving home with pets people. You owe it to him. And remember that you never know whether you in my old age family did not give to a nursing home as a useless thing. There is a saying - what is the plant a meet.
those who have financial problems and it seems to them that the shelter will solve this problem, I propose to refer to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Together, you can always come up with something.
So, as long as Poland does not change the conditions in shelters until the people who work there will not do for love of animals - please do not treat your animal immediately to the shelter. Try to find him another home, talk about it with other people. Together we can do more good. We just have to want it. A shelter is a last resort
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