Due to the health of our ½ year old son are forced to find a new home
for two consecutive four-kitty. They are domestic cats, quiet and friendly. Przygarnięte were as small kittens, so they are confident in
relation to people, especially to children.
Do not go to the court, permanently reside in the apartment. They are sterilized, healthy, regularly dewormed and have all the necessary vaccinations. They are taught to clean.
It is not necessary that the new owner found their way together, it is possible to "adoption" ONLY ONE females.
We are not simply get rid of the kittens, but we want to find them a warm home and loving owner, so if you are not acclimatized to the new place, or will guarantee any problems that are pleased to welcome them back. We do not want przyspożyć you trouble, and zwierzakom suffering.
contact: 695 85 15 85
date announced 12/12/2008
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szylcia is less than a female who lost her nanny - an old lady, a family that wwprowadziła up, threw it on the street.
At this time, took care of its volunteers, but as soon as possible szylcia needs a new home. It's getting colder, and the very slightest szylcia home and to the people. It is clean, healthy and miziasta.
contact: 508 211 403
date announced 12/12/2008
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Arrow black and white cat with a distinctive arrow on the forehead and stocky build, odpchlona, \u200b\u200bdewormed, wysterilizowana, 1.5 annual, nice, balanced, great pet, he likes to take care of strangers kittens, very motherly, suitable for housing, not afraid of dogs, perfect for every family, even to the house with young children, can she be trusted in any circumstances.
contact: 0600 358 079 (no sms) or
091 424 16 64 or wsobotka@szczecin.home.pl
announcement date: 12/12/2008
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