From baby animals play a big role in my life. But it never was a cat.
Now in retrospect I can say that the cat man must grow up. The cat is very similar to that when it comes to human behavior. Maybe that's why so many people do not like these animals.
dog from the outset has a deep love us-even if on to it do not deserve. For the love of a cat, just because we are people we do not have to count. But it is wrong to everyone who keeps to the usual stereotypes: that the cat always comes their way, that he never felt for a man with such feeling like a dog, and other similar expressions.
cat like a dog will greet your man, dropping into shopping bags, rub against his feet, muttered, and showed their feelings. This is not a "bloodthirsty beast" snacking throat, as some try to present the cat.
cat just like a man one likes a others do not. It is said that only good people like animals. And it is true. Because with respect to "our brothers the smaller" is defined as animals St. Francis of Assisi, we have respect for other people to life. And the animals are sensing, feeling reciprocate.
At the moment I have four cats at home. There are no racial, all backyard. But I would not have urged anyone on the quantity of animals at home. The optimal number of cats to two. It's like with us humans. When you live with someone we are more lively, we eat together, talk. When we need to take loneliness is not a problem. The problem arises only when we are more. For very large apartment with a large family can often lead to different clashes, quarrels, misunderstandings. The same is true for cats.
Each of us must remember that taking an animal into the house bears the responsibility for him. It's like a new family member arrived. And if someone is resentful of this term before I ask is never to decide on any animal. These people treat animals responsible, and yet they are living sentient beings just like us. I must say that the incredible pleasure for us to observe our cats. Despite the fact that my husband and I are working daily to try to save a little time for our cats. It is amazing after a busy day when a man wants to relax and help him on his knees, placed mruczący cat.
Once we decide on a cat and the cat decides to us, we open ourselves to the partnership. And that every man should know.
From the moment when he first arrived at our thresholds cat, we decided that in our home will always be a place for this amazing creation. I will always be a "podwórkowiec" who needs help, or home. Never decide to buy a cat race. I could not spend money on a cat that really was intentionally brought to life when it's enough cats in need of assistance. Because not all "podwórkowce" are savages. Many of these cats looking for contact with humans, much of the cat was already in someone's house, only that he got bored and was thrown into the yard. That's why she and her husband decided that in our lives and the place will house cats backyard, which by themselves do not give advice on the street. And as we cope with four cats and we have enough space for so many will always be the place. And we will look for other houses. Because it is so - as it already know the cat wants to know him forever.
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