Thursday, April 28, 2011

Differentiate Between Parotiditis And Mumps


I have for you haul from today and yesterday:) Yesterday I fell to the Rossmann, and today Nature:) Here's what I bought:
* Dove Deodorant, which is to soften the Italian grow back after shaving. * Serum Eveline

* Nourishing Cream Moisturizing Day of Olay (already used up one box, so soon review)
* nail file with Essence (which is superb and the packaging is great, nothing is scratched in your bag ;)) * Lip Essence
Stay With Me-03 Candy Bar (today I bought for my mother;)) * Paint
Cartice-Ultimate Nudes-030 My Cafe Au Lait At Notre-Dame
* Essence-Color Paint & Go - Trust in Fashion
Cheers, P.


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