That announcement, which I got.
"Reaching approximately to the knee, but is drobnokościsty - określiłabym its growth on the average. Similarly, the veterinarian determined the age - at about 2-3 years. It has a very happy disposition, is very friendly to man. Quite energetic, as a young dog. Very good feel in the backyard, I think successfully could be a dog staying on the outside. Locked in a room can signal that is in need and has a courtyard. Cat does not move (I 3), just does not pay any attention. She loves the company of my girls, it comes after them step by step. As for the relationship to the male, do not look, because my take up the goal that would kill him, and such a confrontation would end tragically confident. What I can say is, that it does not respond to aggression with aggression. Locked in the house does not destroy things, it does mess. He has a great appetite, but due to the fact that food had escaped death by starvation he must be rationed. Otherwise it will eat until it breaks. Weakly assimilates dry food, even the one from the top shelf. Reacts diarrhea. I keep it on the wet dog and feed the super assimilates. Already trying to keep an eye on the courtyard, podszczekuje at the gate. Rather, the property is held, not trying to escape. It is extremely graceful creature, the new owner will certainly give a lot of friendship and joy. "
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