meeting on the Zoo-exchange
in our city today held a meeting of the Public Council for Animal Shelters for the Homeless, which has raised the problem of exchange in the "Maciusiu"
I must say that I'm glad that it did not belong to any of the Szczecin organization and I admire the President of the Council for their patience and composure
is the only regrettable that the organizations that deal with zwierzakom can not cooperate further
I take the position that destroyed something that can easily be monitored and what was the alternative to our city
have outlined the impression that, although provision was not supposed to be aimed specifically at the stock exchange, checked in advance whether the stock market, however, able to act
annoying is that instead of the earlier talks between the lines, brought to
liwkidacji space, which is known to all, the only positive
aspect was to find out that the shelter along with TOZ zakopało hatchet and do something together, just a pity that so hard to give up all their ambitions and to cooperate even with those that are not taken into account, and who also do a lot for animals
I realize that not everyone needs to know the law, but if you could exclude pet shops, breeders and exhibitors as well as shelter, why could not be excluded, and the stock exchange?
why organizations that had spoken positively about the stock market, suddenly This sentence is changed?
suppose that we will never know
much I liked the statement by Dr. Gugały, who said with sadness that our hallmark is the destruction of the sentence
agrees that paying for the pet stimulus prevented a man from disposing of its easy of course
rozmnażaczy concerns that by controlling an easy way to stock exchanges can not allow such a
my reflections after a meeting of more than two hours, but I'm afraid that's changing the animals
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