Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Somewhere At The Adriatic Coast

Birds need a little help

Because winter can be felt, the birds that were in the city are getting worse.
Therefore, we must help them dokarmiając them.
The thing that arrive to us on the balcony, the garden can give:
- grains (ready-mix from pet shops)
- grits, pearl barley, oats, sunflower seeds and shelled, dried corn
- apples
- fat globules
- bacon
- scraps of meat: liver, pig tails
for swans, ducks etc
- cooked vegetables (potatoes, carrots, celery, a little), but not overcooked
- grain maize
information through the -, - newspaper forum:))

to people from Szczecin, Poland - shares moving help, do not be indifferent, 34959.7497681, Rusza_akcja_pomocy_dla_wyglodzonych_ptakow.html
needed are volunteers who feed poroznoszą


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