Sunday, January 18, 2009

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pet up for adoption shelter

Due to the health of our ½ year old son are forced to find a new home
for two consecutive four-kitty. They are domestic cats, quiet and friendly. Przygarnięte were as small kittens, so they are confident in
relation to people, especially to children.
Do not go to the court, permanently reside in the apartment. They are sterilized, healthy, regularly dewormed and have all the necessary vaccinations. They are taught to clean.
It is not necessary that the new owner found their way together, it is possible to "adoption" ONLY ONE females.
We are not simply get rid of the kittens, but we want to find them a warm home and loving owner, so if you are not acclimatized to the new place, or will guarantee any problems that are pleased to welcome them back. We do not want przyspożyć you trouble, and zwierzakom suffering.
contact: 695 85 15 85
date announced 12/12/2008
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szylcia is less than a female who lost her nanny - an old lady, a family that wwprowadziła up, threw it on the street.
At this time, took care of its volunteers, but as soon as possible szylcia needs a new home. It's getting colder, and the very slightest szylcia home and to the people. It is clean, healthy and miziasta.
contact: 508 211 403
date announced 12/12/2008

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Arrow black and white cat with a distinctive arrow on the forehead and stocky build, odpchlona, \u200b\u200bdewormed, wysterilizowana, 1.5 annual, nice, balanced, great pet, he likes to take care of strangers kittens, very motherly, suitable for housing, not afraid of dogs, perfect for every family, even to the house with young children, can she be trusted in any circumstances.
contact: 0600 358 079 (no sms) or
091 424 16 64 or

announcement date: 12/12/2008

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Why not?

not return to the shelter animals, please. If you already find some kind of animal try to find him a house, find him a temporary place to stay. Just do not shelter. Already explain why:

animal, which goes to the hostel may be sick or aggressive. But there is no space to isolate them at the beginning and watch. It is immediately connected with the other what might end badly

There is a sufficient amount of isolation, or in general they do not. Thus, animals that become sick are crowded one upon another, or staying on with the healthy controls.

There is no clock veterinary care. In case of emergency, the animal is not can count on any medical assistance.

in a small area is accumulated too many animals. And this without any idea. Big with young, aggressive with non-aggressive. All this leads often to the tragic events leading to death of an animal.

restricted or even no contact with humans, which leads to the savagery of these animals.

There is no "house cat." Cats So, wander around the hostel as well as outside it.

Now please answer yourself if you would like to an animal was kept in such conditions?. I know that sometimes there is no other choice. But before we decide that we give a pet to the shelter try to find another solution (see the "You can help).

For people who want their old pet returned to the hostel, only because that is showing its age I ask only one thing - before they will release the death sentence in the form of shelter for an old pet, who until now was a household member, do everything to find him another loving home with pets people. You owe it to him. And remember that you never know whether you in my old age family did not give to a nursing home as a useless thing. There is a saying - what is the plant a meet.

those who have financial problems and it seems to them that the shelter will solve this problem, I propose to refer to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Together, you can always come up with something.

So, as long as Poland does not change the conditions in shelters until the people who work there will not do for love of animals - please do not treat your animal immediately to the shelter. Try to find him another home, talk about it with other people. Together we can do more good. We just have to want it. A shelter is a last resort


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As this cat is?

From baby animals play a big role in my life. But it never was a cat.

Now in retrospect I can say that the cat man must grow up. The cat is very similar to that when it comes to human behavior. Maybe that's why so many people do not like these animals.

dog from the outset has a deep love us-even if on to it do not deserve. For the love of a cat, just because we are people we do not have to count. But it is wrong to everyone who keeps to the usual stereotypes: that the cat always comes their way, that he never felt for a man with such feeling like a dog, and other similar expressions.

cat like a dog will greet your man, dropping into shopping bags, rub against his feet, muttered, and showed their feelings. This is not a "bloodthirsty beast" snacking throat, as some try to present the cat.

cat just like a man one likes a others do not. It is said that only good people like animals. And it is true. Because with respect to "our brothers the smaller" is defined as animals St. Francis of Assisi, we have respect for other people to life. And the animals are sensing, feeling reciprocate.

At the moment I have four cats at home. There are no racial, all backyard. But I would not have urged anyone on the quantity of animals at home. The optimal number of cats to two. It's like with us humans. When you live with someone we are more lively, we eat together, talk. When we need to take loneliness is not a problem. The problem arises only when we are more. For very large apartment with a large family can often lead to different clashes, quarrels, misunderstandings. The same is true for cats.

Each of us must remember that taking an animal into the house bears the responsibility for him. It's like a new family member arrived. And if someone is resentful of this term before I ask is never to decide on any animal. These people treat animals responsible, and yet they are living sentient beings just like us. I must say that the incredible pleasure for us to observe our cats. Despite the fact that my husband and I are working daily to try to save a little time for our cats. It is amazing after a busy day when a man wants to relax and help him on his knees, placed mruczący cat.

Once we decide on a cat and the cat decides to us, we open ourselves to the partnership. And that every man should know.

From the moment when he first arrived at our thresholds cat, we decided that in our home will always be a place for this amazing creation. I will always be a "podwórkowiec" who needs help, or home. Never decide to buy a cat race. I could not spend money on a cat that really was intentionally brought to life when it's enough cats in need of assistance. Because not all "podwórkowce" are savages. Many of these cats looking for contact with humans, much of the cat was already in someone's house, only that he got bored and was thrown into the yard. That's why she and her husband decided that in our lives and the place will house cats backyard, which by themselves do not give advice on the street. And as we cope with four cats and we have enough space for so many will always be the place. And we will look for other houses. Because it is so - as it already know the cat wants to know him forever.


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Z guide practice

At the outset I would like to clarify that I am neither a doctor nor a student of veterinary medicine. I am a guardian of social and feral cats and owner of four dachowców all my advice is simply Real life.

cold, treatment of wild cats

As a person involved in the wild cats are often confronted with a variety of diseases, and have a small amount of cash, the council, which will present here, are addressed to them. That from the outset to reassure all of my treatment of the savages proceeded under the supervision of a veterinarian, and so far all the cats are alive and well.

most common problem is the guardians of the social so-called cold and weak immune charges. This leads to sneezing, zaropiałe eyes and apathy. A visit to the vet and find a warm house, in such cases would be the best solution, but unfortunately too rarely encountered.

I am in such situations, their wild companions Apply by at least five days antibiotic powder - Mepatar. For one adult cat falls teaspoon of this preparation, preferably mixed with food. So far, no savage in need are not denied such snacks. During the treatment, or even from the beginning I've included the Immunovit. This is a reinforcing drug resistance in the form of tablets - contains extract of Echinacea, and is specially designed for pets. The whole treatment is not cost much.

For light effects can be given to cats Cebion - Vitamin C drops, which are sold in pharmacies. We use then the dosage as for the small child. It should however be monitored for symptoms of allergy (ie, whether the cat is excited or too depressed after administration of medication - will be the first signs that something is wrong.) It is very rare, but some cats - just like home even though my cat - bad abolish

vitamin C. Of course, such treatment can not afford it if the cat. However, if our ward shows no appetite, his condition did not improve, or - even worse-the disease progresses, it is necessary, unfortunately, contact your veterinarian.

If a cat has to trust us, and we the courage and a veterinarian friend, we can give your cat an injection. It is usually an antibiotic and something enhancer. There are no every cheat - no vet will not give anything else. No cards diseases such pet does not leave much choice. However, if we are afraid and we are able to provide your cat to the doctor - is your best option. Just be aware that such treatment often takes longer than one day. We will have so often to visit a doctor or on the order given to a cat specialist medicines.

nutrition adult cat

We must remember that owning a cat at home imposes on us - the owners - the obligation of proper nutrition your pet, depending on the needs of not from our will. You have to remember that nutrition is based on four fundamental principles:
- satisfaction of vital functions and body growth
energy supply - the use of diet as a prophylactic measure
- Nutrition as a therapeutic agent

Our cat should get a balanced diet, which is related to its enrichment. Failing to provide for a long time even one vitamin can cause various diseases. At the outset, remember that cats should not be administered for dog or cow's milk (if you like najchudsze and diluted, but instead better to give natural yogurt, cottage cheese or lean).

Please note that the cat's jaws are designed for tearing, not chewing. There are no pre-etching process with the involvement of salivary enzymes, the difference between the size of the stomach and food przełykanym, short bowel, limited ability to digest most of the cereal products are among the characteristics of a cat's digestive tract. Feeding your cat so that what we eat does not affect the health of your cat well, and even can lead to serious diseases such as diseases of the joints, heart and diabetes.

If you decide to feed your cat fresh food, you have to remember that:
- food must be fresh,
- the main ingredient should be meat,
- add a small amount cooked cereal (eg oatmeal),
- add vegetables, cooked or raw,
- add vegetable oil,
- add preparations mineral - calcium.

adult cat should get two, maximum three meals a day. A cat should not be thick.

not discuss here any prepared food, because to describe each of them would take too much space. I have my home I do not give the cats food from cans.

been using this food only when I have to give to cats drugs in food. With dry and I use and it quite often. It is otherwise with my savages. I give them canned food mixed with dry.

[ed. based on "Fundamentals of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body of dogs and cats," prof. Dominique Grandjean, maintenance and care of a cat, "Dagmar Thies]


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Despite twenty-first century lies in many people believed that if a woman is pregnant or has young children, it should not have a cat. Where does it come from?
Why do people who hold any position, are doctors, issue such a statement?
assertions without support, because when asked about the justification, we hear vague interpretation of germs, of toxoplasmosis and other bzdurnych prejudices.
reminds me of the Middle Ages, when it started burning witches at the stake! Why?
And because even that most of these women were more educated than the group of people surrounding them, and even on the grounds that it differed so much from the others.
In the case of a cat and a child often repeated statements about whether zagryzieniu toskoplazmozie baby by a cat.
In a conversation with my gynecologist raised the question of toxoplasmosis. Since I am alone at home four cats, and I often take care of sick cats
'yard safety issue for future generations, as well as myself a priority.
Although the same has already had some knowledge on this subject, the response of a physician zaskoczyła.To me that he looked at me as a person who weaves three of three was finest in all of this.
There followed lengthy discussion.
I will not go into details because I could write this second thesis;), I'll try to summarize:
- On a clear need to toxoplasmosis say that this is a disease of filth and dirt is terrible, vividly presenting the need to have direct contact with faeces
sick cat, and then not washing their hands after such a thing to put them in your mouth. And now an appeal has been argued that, after children are everything to her mouth.
Yes. But the number of cats suffering from toxoplasmosis is very small or even negligible. Sooner infect your child with something other than toxoplasmosis. I have a few years to deal with wild cats, I gave myself a test - what was my surprise when it was that throughout my life have I had to do with this disease, although
was difficult for me to maintain sterile conditions by catching and treating cats backyard, which
podrapały me more than once or pogryzły.
- Concerning zagryzień - fell a statement:
"God, what a Ciemnogród." I agree that without a doubt.
You do not even have to argue that, because of the stupidity is not possible to lead the discussion.
- Raising a child with pet a great impact on child development. And here most of the guides can confirm this.
- Keeping and raising children in a sterile environment does not come on his health. Thanks
this attitude of parents, more children are allergic, and their bodies can not cope with the fight against allergens and bacteria. Because it is precisely at such a young age the body can build up a defense mechanism. Then do not do this.
If ever any of you dear Lord will meet with the statement that the child and the cat does not go hand in hand, ask for arguments for this. If you fall
cliches starting your password you can give a further conversation with this person. This does not make any sense.
and the little toddler to zdjęcach, is the best example of that, together with the cat is cool:))

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cat and a child homeless cats

called homeless cats. backyard need our help. It is not so, as some people claim that the cat can handle.
These animals are not only vulnerable to disease, lack of food, but also on human callousness and cruelty.
These animals are part of the ecosystem and that there was any balance in nature, must be present. The cat is a natural enemy of the rat, which as you know is in our city in large numbers. But the cat healthy. So let's
not blame the people who dokarmiają cats. On the contrary, they are us join. Because the cat fed the council can quickly a disease will be healthier. And when he will be healthy - will be hunted.
It is not that the "backyard" a helping hand, something that the wygrzebią from the garbage. And not just because the garbage packed in bags and cats are harder to match them, but also on the ground that they are trash often closed, and the food that goes there, after all, but rather hurt than help your cat.
It is therefore important that the free-living cats were fed. I do not have to do is tie with the mess. People who dokarmiają cats should clean up after them, just as the dog owners should clean up their wards. In order not to annoy some people, after all, cats can be fed somewhere on the sidelines.
cat must have access not only to food but also fresh water. I remember that they are carnivores, so on the pasta will not survive.
Another problem is shelter. Well, that in each block to provide a basement window for cats. They will have not only shelter from the cold, rain, but also the danger. This room should be secured, so that cats do not spread throughout the basement, and only stayed in it. Let there be no problem, there would insert one big litter box, which would solve the potential problem of pollution. People who called dokarmiają cats. social guardians should be responsible for maintaining order in this room. Then nobody would have blamed them.
As far as cats are sick, or if the issue of over-population is all of this is also a solution. Free sterilization of homeless cats is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. You can also rent them from a cage trap. Guardian must provide the only cat to a branch company. But it is also not a problem. At the moment, creates a list of Szczecin social carers and people who want to help. Simply just call the company to ask if anyone could help, if they do not give advice. TALKS same if either of the cats is sick. You can use the clinic, located at the company or try to (if the term) to help your cat yourself. I know from personal experience that treating cats backyard except by a veterinary antibiotic zaordynowanego doing well and give Immunovitu Cebionu that strengthen the body and accelerate the cat back to health. These drugs can also be administered prophylactically, when it starts to do the colder longer.
often happens that people who dokarmiają cats are among the "podwórkowców" cat, which he does not give advice, which should be at home. How to find a home for this cat can be found in a specially prepared article on this topic.
seems to me that every man who likes little animals should not pass indifferent to the problem of homeless animals. It's really not much cost, but rather gives an amazing feeling that we've done something good. Remember that we can not be guided by the motto - even after us the deluge, because the majority of future generations of animals and plants will be seen only in photographs and will be poorer, not only spiritually, but also and more sickly. Cause disruption in the balance of nature do not lead to anything good. Let's see what happens with the climate. So
open our eyes and watch as our "podwórkowców" needs help. Daily bowl of food, water - so little, and so much at the same time. And remember - we are not alone on this planet.

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Did the cat always falls on their feet? How can you help

Those who think so I have to worry. Unfortunately, no! And if he succeeds, then the fall from a height it threatened to fracture and a number of injuries wewnętrznych.Kot do not realize that one step too far for the bead, or leaf, you may end up for him tragicznie.To we people we need to ensure the safety of our pupili.Okna and balconies are the places occupied by our most popular outdoor koty.Na happens so many interesting things - the sun is shining, the birds fly, butterflies, flies. Cats are predators and hunting is their żywioł.Zróbmy everything in our power to make the windows and balconies do not become the cause of suffering and pain, and sometimes the death of innocent zwierząt.Zabezpieczenie windows and balconies is not difficult and one could argue about their wykonanie.Podpowiem self that is perfect for this: - wire mesh purchased by the meter (DIY stores), - galvanized reinforcing mesh - rigid panels with wym.1mx2m (DIY stores) - fishing net mesh 4x4cmRozwiązań and is very much dependent the ingenuity of these artists, the type of balcony / window. If you do not have line craft, ask for help of professionals. These may be companies performing mosquito or bodybuilder balkony.Należy draw attention to the windows tilt. A cat who is stuck in the tapered downwardly glimpsed beneath it, no chance to free yourself. When people do not have at home do not leave windows repealed. Better open the window and apply the limiter. They can be ordered from the window assembly. To see how others have coped, go to page: / security / security / balconies / cat site / grid
hand in hand safety Our mruczków before something bad and it's too late. AB

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Helping animals and people who are in charge of them can be in many ways.
You can organize the collection of food, things needed to keep a pet. You can organize charity auctions.
can provide financial support to organizations helping.
can carry out projects to raise awareness that wild animals are needed in our urban ecosystem.
can do for the winter homes for cats can take care of one yard, You can collaborate with schools.
can search homes for pets on your own, stretch posters.
When searching for a home for a pet is best: the notification as many friends (so-called word of mouth), making posters (advertising) and they put it at veterinary offices and pet shops, placing ads with a picture on the website and forums on the Internet, advertisements in the weekend edition of the Courier of Szczecin.